August 17th, 2017 | Category : Best Practices

Six Ways to Make your Campus Web Pages Shine

Is your campus doing everything it can to showcase its research and expertise? It’s easy to integrate your IR and profile pages with external sites. Here are six “hacks” that you can use to make your campus web pages shine.

1) Embed a gallery of faculty members. The embed feature in the Expert Gallery allows you to choose any group of faculty and showcase them on external pages.

2) Embed a readership map. There’s no better way to demonstrate the impact of your institution’s scholarship than with these dynamic maps that show global readership in real-time.

  • The University of Richmond’s Political Science Department homepage showcases the worldwide audience for its research

3) Embed a search bar. Make it easy for users to search the materials they need, whether it’s a specific series or the entire repository.

  • Chicago-Kent College of Law’s faculty pages include embedded search bars to explore content in individual faculty SelectedWorks pages
  • Illinois Wesleyan University has embedded search bars for its Student Senate Documents

4) Link directly to journal articles. Many of the journals that are hosted in Digital Commons also have separate homepages. Integrate repository articles into the journal homepage with simple links.

5) Link to archival content. You can avoid duplicating your efforts by linking to content that’s already posted in your repository.

  • University of Connecticut’s Board of Trustees link to an archive of its agendas and minutes

6) Showcase recent or most popular publications. RSS feeds, available on every collection, can be used to create an automatically updated list of publications.

  • The Center for Clinical and Translational Studies at UMass Medical has a list of the Center’s publications on its home page 
    Dominican's embedded Faculty Experts Directory

    Dominican’s embedded Faculty Experts Directory