There are a lot of moving parts involved with planning large events, and some institutions have developed forms, guidelines, and policies to have on hand to move everything along smoothly. On this page you’ll find links to resources created by Digital Commons users to aid in event planning and management.
Guide to Sponsoring Content, Georgia Southern University
The first section of this page includes links to all of Georgia Southern’s current events, as well as brief sections about policies, responsibilities, and process.
UKnowledge Conference Proposal Form, University of Kentucky
Downloadble form can be used to facilitate communication between event organizers and the library.
Admins Guide to Conferences in ScholarWorks, Bowling Green State University
Worksheet provides basic guidelines and reminders pertaining to conference hosting.
Digital Commons+ Great Lakes User Group Planning Packet, Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Sarah Beaubien
Packet includes ideas and templates for date planning, setup, presenter guidelines, and more.
Digital Commons+ Great Lakes User Group Registration and Evaluation: Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Sarah Beaubien
Packet includes forms for registration and event evaluation.
Duke University School of Law Speaker Copyright Release Form, Duke University School of Law
Outlines speaker and institution rights.