On this page are presentations and documents that summarize rights and responsibilities for authors to consider as they are publishing.
Pre-Print, Post-Print, or Off-Print? A Guide to Publication Versions, Permissions, and the Digital Repository, Harrison W. Inefuku
This bulletin is designed to help authors understand the different versions of publications and where to find out which version(s), if any, they are allowed to deposit, or self-archive, in the repository.
Will They Let Me Do That? A Brief Introduction to Copyright and Institutional Repositories, Harrison W. Inefuku
This educational bulletin is intended to give an overview of some of the copyright issues involved with the management of a digital repository.
Author’s Rights, Tout de Suite, Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Designed to give journal article authors a quick introduction to key aspects of author’s rights and to foster further exploration of this topic through liberal use of relevant references to online documents and links to pertinent web sites.