To celebrate Halloween, we’d like to showcase some of the spooky, eerie content lurking in Digital Commons repositories. Don’t read the rest of this post in the dark!
- Haunting Experiences: Ghosts in Contemporary Folklore (Diane E. Goldstein, Sylvia Ann Grider, and Jeannie B. Thomas, USU Press, Utah State University)
This open access book, winner of the 2008 Brian McConnell Book Award from the International Society for Contemporary Legend Research, traces legends of ghosts in American culture.
- Campus Haunts (Anna Deters, IWU Magazine, Illinois Wesleyan University)
The Illinois Wesleyan campus is haunted by several scholarly ghosts who are introduced in this delightful article.
- From Monsters to Victims: Vampires and Their Cultural Evolution from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century (Caitlyn Orlomoski, University of Connecticut)
This spine-tingling thesis tracks the cultural evolution of vampires over the last 100+ years.
- Nursing Students Dressed for Halloween, 1951 (Linfield College)
Judging from this archival photo, Halloween at Linfield in 1951 was a lot of fun.
- Pumpkins (Food $ense Guide) (Amanda Horrock, USU Extension, Utah State University)
This handy guide from the USU Cooperative Extension includes tips on growing and cooking pumpkins. It includes a recipe for pumpkin cookies!
- Ghosts of Hartwell Hall (Jennifer Valaitis, The College at Brockport)
Kim Myers of the College at Brockport sent in another wonderful piece of scary scholarship: a student paper about ghosts in a Brockport campus building. Thanks Kim! Check it out, if you dare.
Did we miss a great spooky article or collection? Let us know!

An image from “Haunting Experiences: Ghosts in Contemporary Folkore,” by Diane E. Goldstein, Sylvia Ann Grider, and Jeannie B. Thomas.
(Photo used in book by permission of Wellcome Trust, Medical Photographic Library, L0006816. Dance of Death. Hartmann Schedel, 1493.)