At bepress, we’re committed to supporting new 3rd party plug-ins for Digital Commons at the community’s request. In case you haven’t seen or heard of them yet, we’d like to share the newest third-party options and integrations from Digital Commons’ latest release to help you continue to extend the value of your IR investment.
- Timelines – We added two integrations, Dipity and Timeline.js, that can automatically generate a visually-rich timeline of any collection’s scholarship and embed it in Digital Commons. Embedly (using Timetoast) also supports timelines. Click here for an example.
- PlumX – This integration allows you to show the number of mentions, Tweets, and citations per article right on the article page. Click here for an example. Note that we also support Altmetrics.
- HathiTrust Embed Viewer – We added this integration to help you display works from We don’t have a live example available at the moment, but please contact your Consulting Services rep if you want to know more.
We also allocate a portion of our development team’s time to help ensure that we stay compatible with these technologies as they upgrade. Here are two upgrades that we now support which are worth calling out specifically:
- Universal Analytics – We upgraded our support for Google Analytics to extend to Google’s newest version, Universal Analytics.
- 4.0 Creative Commons licenses – We also upgraded to keep in step with the latest from Creative Commons.
Finally, we support a number of additional integrations, ranging from embedded registration forms and e-commerce, to social media and reader comments, among others. If you’d like to learn more about enabling any of these services for your repository or individual publication, or would like to suggest another for consideration, please contact your consultant at

The timeline tool in action on Berkeley Law’s repository.