Big Time Feature Releases Coming Toward a Fully Integrated Showcasing Hub, All at Cloud-enabled Speed
As 2020 gets underway, we are excited to tell you about upcoming feature releases designed to make your Digital Commons IR a fully integrated showcasing hub. Building and maintaining APIs for content re-use, as well as tools to harvest directly into Digital Commons, are two of our biggest features in years and both are on our 2020 product roadmap. They represent important advancements toward making Digital Commons the fastest populating IR and the most impactful IR for you, our customers.
And we are going to do this work faster than you would believe. Our recent completion of almost 600 Digital Commons site migrations to the cloud not only has expanded our capacity for optimizing the user experience (think speed), but additionally, it has created a faster path for us to transform Digital Commons into that vision of a fully integrated and interoperable showcasing hub. We are excited about the future pace of development and the important new features that we have coming to you this year.
Finally, we are grateful to the Elsevier senior team in Amsterdam for their financial support in expanding our product and technical teams and providing the technical know-how to help us move together into the cloud, making this new feature release-rich future a reality.
We will be sharing more information right here in the coming weeks about speed and performance improvements for users (March), the API for content re-use (April) and our new harvesting tools (late summer). Stay tuned!