Engaging Undergraduates in Scholarly Communications: Outreach, Education, and Advocacy, Stephanie Davis-Kahl
Undergraduate student awareness of, and engagement with, issues such as open access, public access, creator rights, and the economics of publishing should become part of our mission and vision of undergraduate education so students can become effective advocates for access to their own work, or for access to research that can aid them in becoming informed and critical researchers, consumers, and citizens.
Riding the Wave: Open Access, Digital Publishing, and the Undergraduate Thesis, Char Miller
In this keynote address, Dr. Miller discusses the importance of building the educational foundation to support students and then incorporate opportunities for undergraduates to share their research.
From Freshman to Graduate: Making the Case for Student-Centric Institutional Repositories, Erin Passehl-Stoddart, Robert Monge
Institutional repositories provide an opportunity to enhance the undergraduate education experience by developing student-centric collections. This article highlights five IR collections focusing on undergraduate student work at a medium size university.
Students Endorse Augustana Digital Commons, Amanda Makula, Connie Ghinazzi
In this effective short video Augustana College students talk about the benefits they get from publishing work in the repository. The students love being able to see where their work is being read, and they value the opportunity to position themselves well for graduate school and future career opportunities.