Is your institution thinking about ways to highlight faculty experts? Groups across campus are finding that promoting faculty by area of research helps to facilitate funding opportunities, media connections, and collaborations that might otherwise be missed.
Join us for a look at bepress’s new Expert Gallery, a new product designed to meet these challenges by allowing institutions to showcase the research expertise and impact of their faculty.
The webinar will walk through the key ways that Expert Gallery, as part of a full faculty research and impact suite, helps institutions showcase (and report on) their faculty’s expertise:
– Author and administrator dashboards offer the best analytics in the industry for researcher impact and detailed readership statistics.
– Not just a bibliography or online CV, the Expert Gallery provides full portfolios for each researcher, including published and unpublished papers, datasets, teaching materials, creative works, multimedia, and popular press.
– Fully hosted and supported, with flexible workflows, the Expert Gallery is scalable across campus.